Meet the Team: Michaela, from Support
Next up in our ‘Meet the Team’ series is Michaela. Michaela has worked at Webexpenses in our UK office for just over 6 years and heads up the Support Team. You may have watched Michaela’s support videos, spoken on the phone, or attended one of Michaela’s training sessions/webinars. Since joining Webexpenses, she has recorded around 600 platform videos.
Without further ado, get to know Michaela (and her lovely horse, Floyd):
Q1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I spend time with my horse Floyd. He was 5 when he came to me and has just turned 21 (though I am sure he still thinks he’s a 3-year-old!). I also like to crochet and generally make creatures or dolls for friends - things that are personal and will mean something to them.
Q2. If you had to choose one activity - what would you do on the weekend?
Fence judging at Cross Country.
Q2.5. Where did your love for horses come from?
My Aunty has always had horses and from a small child, I would spend my school holidays staying with her, amongst the ponies.
Q3. What’s your favourite season of the year? And why?
Spring! I love seeing everything bursting into colour and fresh dewy mornings - especially when I am up the yard at 7:00 am!
Q3.5. Can you recommend any scenic walking/riding routes in Witney?
Oh goodness, there are so many! Through Old Minster Lovell, there are some lovely walks and rides which take you on a circular route through Astall Leigh and Swinbrook. There are a few lovely pubs on route to stop and refresh!
Q4. What’s one fun fact about you?
I spent 10 days trekking up the Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan on horseback in all weather conditions. Drinking and washing in streams, and keeping my eyes peeled for the closest rock! (no portaloos on this trip!).
Q4.5. Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to go horseback riding up Tien Shan Mountains?
Take a really good sleeping bag and base layers. The further up the mountains you go, the colder it gets! Several mornings we awoke to the tent flap being so frosty it was as stiff as a board!
Q5. What is your favourite food?
Anything that hasn’t got peppers or coriander in it. No seriously, I don’t think I have a favourite really. I do love fine dining (when my husband is paying lol!) and I love shellfish.
Q6. What’s your favourite song of all time? And why?
Mr Blue Sky - ELO - I had 4 elder brothers and they used to play ELO all the time, Mr Blue Sky brings very happy memories back of those days singing out loud and watching my brothers stand on their bed playing air guitar!
Q7. If you had to choose between your - phone, tablet or laptop - which item would you use for the rest of the year? And why?
My laptop. I can do everything the other two do, and I can see the screen better!